Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Missed Connection

You drove me crazy as you sat in traffic

You were the young woman driving what appeared to be a burgundy Toyota southbound on I-35 Friday around rush hour. I was the guy who noticed you from a highway traffic camera.

I only caught a brief glimpse of you in the grainy 300 pixel web cam feed, but in that moment, and the subsequent page refreshes every 10 seconds, I became mesmerized. Something separated you from the surrounding bleary eyed commuters and captured my interest shortly before capturing my heart.

There was a certain regalness to the way you sat behind your steering wheel in the bumper to bumper traffic. Maybe it was the elegance with which you tossed an apple core (maybe a pear) out your car window. Or maybe it was the way you graciously forgave the Prius that cut in front of you, never lashing out with harsh words or a rage filled middle finger.

What struck me was that somehow you seemed to sense I was watching. Yes, I noticed the way you mischievously ran your fingers through your hair and then left your arm resting delicately on the windowsill, as if beckoning me. I couldn't see if you had a wedding ring on, or even whether you had all your fingers. But your actions signaled me even stronger than your left turn blinker, which was on the whole time.

I only hope that soon our paths will cross and we can travel the highway of life together in the multi-passenger lane. Please tell me the number of bumper stickers on your car so I know it's really you.

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